
dark souls 3 450 lso

Ecco cosa cambia.

From Software ha confermato che l'update 1.05 per Dark Souls 3 sarà disponibile a partire dalla giornata di domani.

Anche se alcuni contenuti della patch, relativi in particolare al bilanciamento, non sono ancora del tutto chiari, ecco il changelog pubblicato dallo sviluppatore:

  • Archdragon Peak: Fixed the freeze when jumping into the fog after ringing the bell.
  • The Rinfinger Leonhard quest will now start properly after the removal of the restriction on the maximum number of Pale Tongues that can be offered to Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.
  • Trophies will now unlock correctly even if the required item is sent directly to the storage.
  • Fixed a Skill being changed based on a right hand weapon when equipping White Hair Talisman on the left hand while holding the Sacred Flame with both hands
  • The Horsehoof Ring (which increases stamina drains of ATK) will no longer affect other attacks besides its initial effect on kicks.
  • It will no longer be possible to equip a helm when using a Wax Pool after using the Dragon Head Stone.
  • Fixed the HP drain damage of Symbol of Avarice when resting near bonfire.
  • Fixed a spell animation and effect not synching up when using the magic repetitively.
  • Fixed when summoning the white phantom NPC under a certain circumstance, the character’s collision will properly function nullifying all enemy attacks.
  • Fixed issue where skills could be performed even when a certain amount of FP was not available.
  • Adjusted the attack cancel parameters of some curved swords attacks.
  • Adjusted the attack power and skills of fist and claw weapons.
  • Adjusted the skills of twin blade weapons.
  • Fixed the scythe not penetrating shields at close distances.
  • Adjusted stamina consumption and attack cancel parameters for rapier weapons.
  • Adjusted the attack collision for the washing pole weapon.
  • Adjusted parameters of Farron Hail and Busting Fireball.
  • Adjusted casting speed, stamina consumption, cancel timing of some Spells.
  • Increased the number of arrows/bolts that can be possessed.
  • During online multiplayer: During the invasion of a Dark Phantom, the host will no longer be separated from his area.
  • During online multiplayer: A dark phantom can no longer be forcibly brought back in some maps.
  • During online multiplayer: When the player is summoned during a boss battle, the boss will no longer become motionless even after the player is back to his/her world.
  • The status effects below the stamina gauge will no longer be hidden when opening the top menu with HUD display set to auto.
  • The voice chat icon will now remain visible when the HUD display is set to “Auto.”
  • Fixed the display of strength level shown in the equipment menu when using two-handed weapon.
  • Other game balance parameters have been adjusted.
  • Several game flaws fixed.
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